Jesus is teaching his disciples in a fishing boat

Study (48)

Items for study and in-depth reading about the Christian faith.

Do you prophesy?

1 Corinthians 13:8-13 At the time how does Paul know that these works of the Holy Spirit will pass away? On what authority can he say this? Can we find in scripture other than Paul's own writings to confirm what he said will, or for…

Ezekiel's valley of dry bones

In Ezekiel chapter 37 (Ezekiel 37:1-14) we read about a compelling vision of the prophet within the context of his own time and what was to come. It holds both literal and symbolic tensions pertaining to Israel and the world. This is a concise overview…

John 10:10 - Who is the thief?

John 10:10 You might be like me, in the text we are looking at today I grew up under a certain impression of who the thief was. It's got to be the devil, right! You know, Satan, the deceiver of the world, he wants to…

No confidence in the flesh

The Apostle Paul talks about not putting confidence in the flesh, but rather seeking Righteousness through faith in Christ. It isn't our following or keeping the law that saves us, nor can it make us righteous, James agrees in James 2:10 and Paul in Galatians…

Bible study on Titus 2

Speaker: Pastor Chris Rosebrough Chapel: Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Event: AALC Pastor's Conference Date: November 4, 2014 Text: Titus 2:1-15 Source: Just & Sinner YouTube

The Vicarious Death of Christ

Why did the Father will the death of his only beloved Son, and in so painful and shameful a form? Why should such a good and holy individual person die for everyone's sin? How does such a violent act make for a peaceful outcome with…

Church of tares

This video presentation is three hours long, but worth the watch. The film takes a close look at the big church themes and leadership of the day. It begs the question, just because thousands turn up and agree with a particular following, church group or…

Tithing is not a christian doctrine

An excellent essay about the false teaching of tithing obligations in the church. The following essay is a summary of my book, Should the Church Teach Tithing? A Theologian’s Conclusions about a Taboo Doctrine. The book itself is a greatly expanded version of my PH.

Have the Apostolic gifts ceased?

Phil Johnson runs a lecture on the Biblical premise that the Apostolic gifts have indeed ceased in contrast to the complete cannonisation of scripture, including the new testament, that scripture is enough. 1 Corinthians 13:8 8 Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass…

God proves Himself and His Word as infallible

And He uses a nation to do it, the nation of Israel. Deuteronomy 4:35 35 To you it was shown, that you might know that the Lord is God; there is no other besides him. What did God show that we might know that He…